December Newsletter
Hello Precious Divine Soul,
You have forgotten who you are. It is time to remember. You are an “All Powerful Creator who has the energy that creates worlds moving through you. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do, or have.”
As I sat down to write this newsletter to you those words (mostly from Abraham Hicks, the words in quotes) flowed through my fingertips.
We are heading into the darkest part of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere and I know many of you are really going through it, myself included. This morning, as I was crying into my coffee and trying to come up with ways to avoid my emotional pain, I had a vision of inviting my pain to join me on my sofa. In my vision I offered her a spot in the morning sun and a pretty little tuffet to sit upon. I handed her a cup of steaming warm coffee in my favorite mug and I looked at her with love. I asked her, “What are you here to tell me?”
I cry as I write this because she had so much to tell me. She said I had to learn to love myself more. She said I was no longer allowed to spend time with people who were not kind to me. She told me to take my attention off world events because I am just too sensitive to be dragged into all of the incredibly low vibe power-struggle nonsense that is happening, and to turn my attention instead to what I incarnated to do on this planet, which is write, and thrive, and be kind and grateful. She told me all that is happening in the world is part of the Divine Plan and that it will take as long as it takes to sort itself out, but that the really “evil” players are simply catalysts to create awakening in humanity.
She said a few other things that were for my ears only. Some tough love, some deep truths.
But, as I sat with her, I felt so much relief. I no longer felt afraid. And I could feel that, for the first time in my life, my pain felt so loved, so appreciated, so seen and understood. She simply wanted to be heard. She had so much wisdom to share.
I invite you to sit with yours. To ask the same questions. To shower the same love.
When we let go of victim consciousness, we step into our power. When we stop blaming others for what is going wrong in our lives, we can finally stop creating the same patterns and evolve into a new version of ourself that can create a better life. If we are willing to be honest with ourselves, and look at where in our life we feel like a victim, we can shine the spotlight on where we need to step into our power, stop waiting to be saved, stop making excuses, and save ourselves; do whatever it takes to rise into the life we want. The life we dream about. This is no easy undertaking. It may involve undoing a lifetime identity around illness, or pain, or poverty, or alone-ness, or playing small. But, my Goddess, what are we waiting for? This is our life.
I once had a man I loved seduce a woman he just met in my home. I was devastated. I felt so betrayed. I felt shattered. One day, when I was whining to a friend of mine, she responded with, “I have learned that the sooner I take responsibility for what is going wrong in my life, the sooner I get my power back.” I was furious with her. How could I take responsibility for him seducing this woman in my home? I hated her for saying that to me. And I distanced myself from her. But, a year later I understood. And I realized I could have saved myself months of heartache if I had taken responsibility for getting myself in that type of relationship in the first place, and for allowing it to disintegrate to the point that he had to do something like that for us to separate. I was willing to thank the Universe for making him do something so extreme, so that he and I would both walk in different directions. We needed to. It was in the Highest Good for both of us. Eventually I was able to not only forgive him, but to own and apologize for my role in our demise. We are close and cherished friends now.
I leave you with this beautiful energy forecast from Lee Harris. A list of recommended reading material for taking your power back. And a photo I took yesterday on my hike when it hit me how vital this stripping down process is for us and Mother Gaia (and all Her creatures) to stay alive.
May each one of us have the courage to lay ourselves bare as Mother Nature is doing this time of year, to allow ourselves to be hollowed out so that more Light may flow through us, and to trust that where we are being burned to the ground, we will rise like the Phoenix stronger than ever.
I’m so proud of all of us for choosing to be here on this planet during this tumultuous and definitely NOT easy time.