Hello Lovely You! I am writing to you from Buenos Aires. The home of Tango. I love this place so much! It’s chaotic, and dirty, and filled with noise and people—and it makes me come alive in a way that nowhere else on earth does. When I’m home in Snowmass I want quiet and solitude, but when I’m here I want life. It’s such a huge difference in environments and one that brings out a totally different side of my personality. I’m writing this because we all have parts of us that don’t seem to belong together. And we need to be in different environments to pull those parts to the surface. We’re all in a huge phase of discovering new things about ourselves, getting clear on what no longer works in our lives, and going through the uncomfortable limbo of letting go of the past to embrace the new—without being able to clearly see the new. Anything that is no longer aligned for us is dying. Like a plant with a yellow limb, it wants to be shed—we must let it go. And, if we pay close attention, we will discover we are not provided with the energy to engage in any activity that is not aligned for us in each moment. And that we feel terrible if we override this and force ourselves to engage because “we used to.” Many of us have gone through a Dark Night of the Soul the last few months. Our energy dropped to near zero. We were enveloped in confusion. We thought we were depressed, and lost, and something was wrong with our health—and yet, we were simply going through a phase of Undoing. We were being asked to go Dormant, like the trees and many animals in winter. We were being forced to go Within. I learned through this phase that these periods of no energy/no motivation are necessary when we are making big changes. I also learned we are becoming Humans Being instead of Humans Doing. Too many of us were taught our self-worth depends on how productive we are. When someone asks us, “What have you been doing?” Most of us would feel great shame around answering something like, “Nothing.” Or, “I have been Undoing.” Who are we if we are “doing nothing”? I love this podcast by Emily Trinkaus and Katie Todd when Katie talks about learning to be “Nobody Doing Nothing.” What freedom! So, after two months of being Nobody Doing Nothing (well, except snowboarding, cooking, reading, and napping a lot), I am now in Argentina nearing the end of my three-week stay and getting ready for the second portion of my book tour. Big smile here! ![]() |
The addresses and times can be found on the Appearances page of my website.
I would LOVE to see you! So PLEASE come see me if you are close!
Since I last wrote to you I have done a few more interviews. They can be found on the top of the Press page of my website. And this lovely article in the Boca Raton Observer was published recently.
My Audio book is coming out soon! (Any day now) and I am working away on Book Number 3 (Twin Flames) so those of you who want to know what happened with Holden will get your answers. Winky face here.
And finally, I want to leave you with some photos from Iguazu Falls on the boarder of Brazil and Argentina. After coming to Argentina since 2000, I finally listened to everyone who told me I had to visit the Falls. And all I can say is, “Oh. My. Goddess!”
Ooooh, and then there is this guy! As soon as we arrived and started walking down the path towards the waterfalls, he flew out of the bushes beside my head, flew across my face, hit me with his feathers, landed in the tree above us and started posing!
I looked up Toucan Symbolism and found this:
“The Toucan symbolism is letting you know that it’s time for you to get writing. It doesn’t matter what you write. The fact is that you are a great storyteller. Similar to the potato beetle, you have a lot of inner wisdom to share with the world. Thus toucan meaning implies that the best way to share your knowledge with the world is with the written word.”
And if you have read this far, Toucan is now appearing in your life, so according to his Animal Medicine, here is his message for you:

I love you dearly and cannot wait to see you in Florida (or for the zoom event May 24.)
Your Soul Sister on this Wild Ride,
“If your dreams do not scare you, they’re not big enough.” ~ President Sirleaf